The Future of Gamification in Education by Michelle Koon Koon
2024-04-15 07:38     Gamification seems to be the ‘buzz’ word in education in recent times but it’s no stranger to anyone. What is Gamification? According to Yu Kai Chou, “Gamification is design that places most...
Harnessing AI to combat Educator Burnout
2024-03-04 08:00   In the modern educational landscape, the issue of educator burnout has become increasingly prevalent. The demands on educators are numerous and varied, from lesson planning to administrative task...
Digital Literacy: Where tech meets cognitive ability by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-10-28 12:24   “Digital literacy is the ability to access, manage, understand, integrate, communicate, evaluate and create information safely and appropriately through digital devices and networked technologies ...
Changing from Digital Immigrant to Digital Migrant Status by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-10-22 18:31   We argue when they don’t have a pencil, but the latest Iphone. We can’t comprehend how their priority is to ‘get their phone back after class’ rather than making sure they have all the notes we...
Streamlining Assessment with Formative: A Foreign Language Teacher's Experience by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-01-28 13:22 It’s the 2nd term and we’re in for a ride of interruptions: national celebrations, sports, field trips and retreats. It’s not like we aren’t accustomed, so we just roll our eyes, groan quietly, but se...
Unleash the Power of AI in Education: Personalized Learning, Virtual Reality and More
2023-01-10 21:00 The debate around Artificial Intelligence (AI)  and education centres on the use of AI technology in educational systems and the potential impact it may have on teaching and learning. Some argue that ...