July…sweet July. We wait for it like the light at the end of a tunnel, but when we get to it, we become like deer in the headlight. Let me explain.


You wake up in the first week and firstly, you’re disoriented by the bright sunlight. Normally by this time, you’ve already taught 2 classes, stuffed a fruit cup down (mind you, this was bought at a Presto branch on the way to work- cuz ain’t nobody got the time to peel and cut up fruit by the end of the term) and you’re preparing to launch into a double period with your favourite Form 3 class (hope you caught the sarcasm).


Then, you get out of bed and realize you’ve developed some Obsessive Compulsive habits: grab phone, check for messages from parents or even worse, the message saying that a department member isn’t coming in and you have supervision (again, with that favourite Form 3 class). Your fingers itch to log on, check your school email and possibly open your school’s LMS platform. 


Stop. Control Yourself. Breathe and most importantly, step away from the computer.


It really can wait, while you stretch, relieve yourself and enjoy making your own cup of coffee.


I know at this point, you’re thinking, easy for you to say, when you aren’t marking CSEC, doing private lessons and trying to do free PD webinars etc… But I, like you, understand the need to supplement income. We are after all, working on outdated salaries and accepting laughable increments.


Still, you are given two months' vacation, because it is understood how taxing your job is. Ignore the clowns who still cling to the ‘Alyuh’s get 2 months holidays, alyuh teachers good eh? And alyuh want more money?’ Sit back and realize, you have given 10 months of arduous work, that in no way, were you trained for, in spite of all your university degrees and diplomas. As a teacher, you’ve been a mother, father, counselor, conflict mediator, party planner, field trip organizer… the list goes on and on. 


You’re also the actual parent to your own children, a son/daughter to aging parents and yes, this list goes on and on as well…


And what you need to understand is, each role you play in your life, drains your cup just a little bit, EACH DAY. If you’re not replenishing (and be honest, you haven’t), you’re burning out faster than a flame deprived of fuel.


Now let me be clear, replenishing does not mean stretching out on your bed, scrolling through Insta, Facebook or our all-time favorite: Pinterest. Nor does it mean Netflix, 123movies, HBO MAX, Disney plus ... .cuz we all know the movie ends up watching you, dribble and snore half way through.


During this July/ August vacation, you need to learn what REPLENISH means and in order to do that, you first need to define the boundaries of your break, and treat them as SACRED. By now y’all know I love acronyms and we’re going to use SACRED to help you set boundaries this vacation:


S - Stop checking your school email every day. 


A - Attend to matters you’ve put on hold: medical appointments, financial investments etc.


C - Connect with your friends and family members: go out, have fun or stay home and play with your children.


R - Rest. Simple…enjoy a power nap after lunch, snooze, cancel plans for the day and stay in bed.


E- Exercise. We hate it, but it loves our bodies and our minds. That’s reason enough.


D- Detox. This can be digital, but also physical. Go for a massage, prepare healthier food and drinks…You have the time. IT IS                 YOURS.


Seems simple enough right? But already, week one into the holidays, we’ve broken some rules.  I’ll be honest, I restarted exercising, and it was a LEGS day… I almost vomited, but I knew it was time to get my body back to health. That was Monday, today is Friday and I’m yet to get to the two workouts my trainer has since sent. 


So don’t think I’m judging you. I too, understand the stretch out and scroll lure of social media, I’ve checked school email for the last four days, owing to us trying to wrap up Performance Management. I’ve had meetings with my HOD and calculated stats for End of Year Exam Performance. My itchy fingers want to start working on next year’s Scheme of Work… so yes, I’ve had to stop myself and it’s an uncomfortable feeling. Why? Because we’re so used to getting school things done, as soon as we can. We prioritize school, not self and that’s why we burn out so fast. But more on that, next week.


Still, there are other things I got right during week 1: I went out with my friends, we ate lunch, and went driving for no other reason than just to talk and catch up; I got some financial planning done, finally put in some medical claims that have been on my desk for a month….


I guess the keyword is also BALANCE. At our closing mass, because I teach at an Anglican school, the reverend shared with the students that BALANCE should be their word for the holidays. As I listened to her, I realized it should also be the keyword for teachers. We overdo at all things school-related. Not at the gym (if we can help it), not at developing our other talents besides teaching, and perhaps, most unfortunately, not even with our families. We give our loved ones the remainder of our energy, at the end of a school day, and feel guilty about it (which also, by the way, is a draining emotion). 


That’s why setting boundaries during the vacation period is such a SACRED duty. You want to give your best when you’re back out in September, and I’m pretty sure you will. You are after all, an awesome 21st Century Educator. But here’s the key takeaway: An awesome 21st Century Educator knows when he/she needs to say ‘No, I really can’t, but thank you for thinking of me. I’m on vacation.’


Go, stand in front of a mirror now and say this to yourself: “I’m on vacation and it’s my SACRED time.” It may sound silly at first, but do it often enough, and you’ll find that it gets easier. Even you, will start to take yourself seriously, and once you do, so will everyone else.