Starting the new term right by Vikki Sankarsingh
2024-01-02 10:53 And we’re back out. Long before we’ve taken down the Christmas tree or cleaned up the confetti from our New Year’s Eve party. Some of us might still be reeling from the overindulgence of the festive h...
The teacher's guide to resolutions for the new year by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-12-28 08:08   Hello dear readers! Hope you had a wonderful season filled with all the people and things that bring you joy. Yes, I know we still have a big celebration ahead of us: saying goodbye to 2023, and w...
Systemic Change in Education begins with you by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-11-13 08:27 Is it utopic to want education to be all of these things? Is it unrealistic and impossible? After all, It can’t be all things to all people. How can we expect so much of a system? Furthermore, a syste...
The Reflective Practitioner: Identifying an Action Research for the New Academic Year by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-07-24 11:06 We’re moving into the last week of July (don’t kill the messenger) and hopefully, enjoying ourselves and indulging in some much needed self-care. Still, if your teacher-brain’s anything like mine, it ...