Using Games in the classroom by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-10-01 19:32   So last week, the team decided to split PBL and GBL, because we realized they are both big topics and should be given their rightful respect. Maybe it’s a happy coincidence, but last Friday, durin...
Project Based Learning by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-09-24 13:24   Some of us might already have mid-term anxiety even though we’ve haven’t quite finished the month of September. I know I do. I like to get assessments and assignments out for vetting as soon as p...
Differentiation in the classroom by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-09-03 21:29   I’ll let you tear into me for starting the new term with such a HUGE topic: Differentiation in the classroom. I can already hear you complain about class size, reduced planning time and being up ...