Starting the new term right by Vikki Sankarsingh
2024-01-02 10:53 And we’re back out. Long before we’ve taken down the Christmas tree or cleaned up the confetti from our New Year’s Eve party. Some of us might still be reeling from the overindulgence of the festive h...
The teacher's guide to resolutions for the new year by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-12-28 08:08   Hello dear readers! Hope you had a wonderful season filled with all the people and things that bring you joy. Yes, I know we still have a big celebration ahead of us: saying goodbye to 2023, and w...
Teacher Tips for Planning Week by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-08-27 18:00   Okay, you can stay under the bed or locked in the bathroom, but please read this blog even if you’re trying to go off the grid. I won’t be the one to tell you resistance is futile and hiding is u...
Being an effective Form Teacher by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-08-12 18:15   I was going to extend the name of this blog to include ‘as a new teacher’, but I think it’s going to contain information that will serve even the veterans amongst us. We never stop learning and w...
Creating a Nurturing Classroom: REMEMBERing the Key Elements for New Teachers by Michelle Koon Koon
2023-08-05 12:19 Be mindful and careful as to which classroom environment you create….       Ah it’s the first day of school, you’re bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. No, I’m not talking about the new kids on the bloc...
Are you ready for the ride? by Vikki Sankarsingh
2023-08-01 07:39         Welcome to both new and returning teachers! My post today is really dedicated to the newbies, but of course, I’m hoping the returning folks can add their own tips in the comments below th...