Unleash the Power of AI in Education: Personalized Learning, Virtual Reality and More
2023-01-10 21:00 The debate around Artificial Intelligence (AI)  and education centres on the use of AI technology in educational systems and the potential impact it may have on teaching and learning. Some argue that ...
5 Tips for Staying Healthy in the Classroom by Lee-ann Pierre
2023-01-07 21:51     As a teacher, you are constantly on the go, juggling lesson planning, grading papers and interacting with students. It can be easy to neglect your own health and well-being in the midst of al...
Tranquil Tuesdays: The move from Virtual to Physical by Vikki Sankarsingh
2022-08-01 16:30         In my last post, I shared an initiative which I undertook with my colleague and dear friend, Sonja Gibbs, to incorporate Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in the online environment. We ...
Tranquil Tuesdays- A model for incorporating SEL in Education by Vikki Sankarsingh
2022-07-20 13:41   It's been a long term. To be fair, third term is always the 'drag yourself to work and into class' countdown. Countdown to piña coladas, beaches with white sand, sunny weather- oh, wh...
Reimagining Education - The Power of YOU by Lee-ann Pierre
2022-07-12 13:36   Disclaimer: I don't normally write blogs as I think that I express my thoughts better in speech but as I observe education today as we emerge from a gruelling pandemic, I decided to put pen t...
Reflexivity from the top down by Vikki Sankarsingh
2022-03-22 12:29       We use a funnel approach for examining many issues in Education. We consider how a problem affects us globally, then we bring it to a regional level, followed by a national level and fina...