As I reflect on my two decades in the classroom, I've come to appreciate the transformative power of Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Even though I didn't know it by that name when I began, I was instinctively applying it. I've witnessed how SEL not only enhances academic achievement but also shapes students into more empathetic and resilient individuals. In this blog, we'll delve into the fascinating world of SEL and explore practical strategies for implementation, even in a bustling classroom with nearly 40 students, including those who enter the classroom angry or frustrated, or those whose only experience of conflict resolution involves shouting and cursing.

The Unseen Power of SEL

Early on, I noticed that helping students understand and manage their emotions went far beyond the classroom. It helped them improve academically, develop emotional resilience, and grow as compassionate individuals. What I didn't know then was that I was nurturing the essential components of SEL.

The Essence of SEL

Social Emotional Learning, at its core, equips students with the skills and competencies to navigate life successfully. These include:

1. Self-Awareness: Recognizing and understanding emotions.


2. Self-Regulation: Managing emotions effectively.


3. Social Awareness: Cultivating empathy and understanding toward others.


4. Relationship Skills: Building meaningful connections.


5. Responsible Decision-Making: Encouraging critical thinking and ethical choices.


Practical SEL in a Crowded Classroom

Now, let's dive into how we can put SEL into practice, even in a bustling classroom with students who enter the room angry or frustrated, and those who might not have learned healthier conflict resolution.

1. Morning Meetings: Begin the day with a "morning meeting" where students can express their feelings. For those who arrive with anger or frustration, this offers a safe space to share their emotions.

  Example: "I noticed that some of you look upset today. How are you feeling? Is there something you'd like to share?"


2. Group Discussions: Encourage open dialogue where students can discuss their feelings and experiences. Use real-world scenarios to highlight healthier conflict resolution methods.


 Example: "Imagine a situation where you're angry with someone. How can you express your feelings without shouting or using hurtful words?"


3. Self-Reflection: Incorporate regular journaling for students to reflect on their emotions and experiences.

Example: "Take a few minutes to write about a time when you felt angry or frustrated. What did you do, and how could you handle it differently next time?"


Remember, the change may not happen overnight, but with consistency and patience, the impact of SEL will become evident in your classroom. By providing students with the skills to recognize and manage their emotions, we empower them to navigate life's complexities. We can offer students a different path, one that leads to healthier, more constructive conflict resolution and compassionate interactions. As educators, let's embrace SEL and its power to change the lives of our students, even in the most challenging classroom settings.


Interested in learning more:

CASEL - Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning: CASEL is a well-known organization dedicated to promoting SEL in schools. Their website provides a wealth of information, resources, and research on SEL. You can visit their website at


Edutopia: Edutopia, a resource from the George Lucas Educational Foundation, offers articles, videos, and resources related to education, including topics like SEL. You can find valuable information about SEL at Edutopia's SEL section.